SMS message format

Applications interacting with Ozeki Message Server 6 can return response messages in the following format. The response can contain one or more messages. Each message should be put on a separate line. This format is used in the HTTPClient plugin.

{SMS:TEXT}{Vodafone}{+447778888888}{+447779999999}{Hello world}

Each field is marked with a curley bracket. The meaning of the field comes from the position in the line. The fields have the following meaning:

Position Field name Field description Example
Position 1 Message type Contains the SMS message type string SMS:TEXT
Position 2 Service provider name You can specify which service provider should be used to send the message Vodafone
Position 3 Sender address The sender address of the message +447778888888
Position 4 Recipient address The destination address of the message. e.g. The recipient phone number. +447779999999
Position 5 Message data The mesage text Hello world

{SMS:TEXT}{Vodafone}{+447778888888}{+447779999999}{Hello world} {SMS:TEXT}{Vodafone}{+447778888888}{+447779999910}{Hello to you too}

To send more then one messages, the response can contain more then one lines. Each line should be terminated with <CR><LF>. You can use the backslash as an escape character if you wish to include a curley bracket in your message text. For example the following is a valid message:

{SMS:TEXT}{Vodafone}{+447778888888}{+447779999999}{Hello \{ world}

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