Ozeki NG SMS Gateway

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway is an excellent software product that can be installed on your computer. You can use this software to create an SMS text messaging service. Among its several features its high compatibility and adaptability provides a wide range of fields on which it can operate. Ozeki NG sms gateway is a very popular product. It has a dedicated website at https://www.ozekisms.com. In this guide you can read about it's field of applications, the performance it offers and the benefits it will bring to your organization.

Fields of applications

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway thanks to its high compatibility can be utilized on numerous fields. Besides its basic capabilities which enables SMS service possibilities for SMS service providers or SMS content providers it can be utilized to perform in a much sophisticated way. Its high compatibility makes Ozeki NG SMS Gateway adaptable for several managing programs. It receives the report generated by such an application and sends them in an SMS message to a mobile user. For example a system administrator can configure Ozeki NG SMS Gateway to read the reports of his network and send notifications, alarms or error reports directly to his or her mobile. This solution greatly reduces maintenance costs, time and demand. It creates a more efficient working environment and increases IT productivity.
Ozeki NG SMS Gateway therefore is essential for maintaining a fast and secure IT environment.

Software developers: Corporate users:
Java SMS exampleSend SMS from your SQL database
PHP SMS exampleSend SMS using HTTP request
C# SMS exampleSend SMS from E-mail
VB.net SMS example Send SMS with a command line tool
ASP SMS exampleSend SMS using text files
Delphi SMS example

Superior Performance

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway was equipped with next generation (NG) technology during its development. It was an aim to reach a high quality and performance level to make the software suitable for those users who demand high end performance. It was designed to work 24/7 and it has the ability to manage mobile network link failures and SMS service provider failures. Ozeki NG SMS Gateway is equipped with an automatic reconnect capability, backup routing, fail-safe load balancing and message loop protection features as well. Ozeki NG SMS Gateway is a responsible, high-end choice for those who would like to integrate SMS services into managing environment.


This site offers solutions for IT developers to greatly increases their work flow. The ability to send SMS from their monitoring interface directly to a mobile user has great potential in making IT supervision in a more efficient way. With such a notification tool the competent person can be informed immediately whenever it is required. Greater problems can be foregone preventing disastrous events and thus time and money can be saved. It provides complete supervision over an IT environment even when the responsible cannot be present. With more safety and efficiency IT productivity can be increased while IT pressure decreases. These are the features that made Ozeki NG SMS Gateway very popular among ISV/OEM Enterprise and Community Users and granted an exclusive ranking in the market.

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