Appendix "A5" - Message types - Wap push


The WAP Push technology makes it possible to send a specially encoded SMS message with a description and link to a WAP address (URL). When a GSM handset receives this WAP Push message, it will automatically give the user the option to access the WAP content. The WAP content can be WML page, a JAVA application or multimedia content.

WAP Push is also used to send polyphonic ringtones and wallpaper images to phones.

To instruct a phone to go to a certain WAP location, a Service Indication message needs to be used. This is an XML document that contains a URL for the handset to browse to. For example:

< indication href="" action="signal-high">
 A WAP Push to the Origo site 
< /indication>

Sending a WAP Push message in SMS

To send a WAP PUSH message with Ozeki Message Server 6, you need to specify a message type containing a MIME identification. To send the above example, you would use the following message type:


In this case, the message type is made up from three sections. The first section tells the message server that this is an SMS message. This way only the drivers supporting SMS will be considered to deliver the message. The second section is used by the driver to use the WAP PUSH SMS encoder. This encoder will use the application/vnd.wap.sic MIME type to build the Wireless Session Protocol (WSP) pdu encoded in WBXML format, and will use the Wireless Datagram Protocol (WDP) to form the SMS messages.

After the message type has been set, the message content should be created using the appropriate DTD. For example for a WAP PUSH service indication message you should use the following DTD.

Service Indication DTD
Terms and conditions of use are available from the Wireless
Application Protocol Forum Ltd. web site at
<!ENTITY % Datetime "CDATA">             <!-- ISO date and time -->
<!ENTITY % URI      "CDATA">             <!-- URI designating a  hypertext node    -->
<!--====================== The SI Element ======================-->
<!ELEMENT si (indication,info?)>
<!--================== The indication Element ==================-->
<!ELEMENT indication (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST indication
>  href          %URI;                                         #IMPLIED
>  si-id         CDATA                                      #IMPLIED
>  created       %Datetime;                                 #IMPLIED
>  si-expires    %Datetime;                                 #IMPLIED
>  action        (signal-none|signal-low|
>                 signal-medium|signal-high|delete)  "signal-medium"
<!--===================== The INFO Element =====================-->
<!ELEMENT info (item+)>
<!ATTLIST item
>  class         NMTOKEN                                   #REQUIRED


If you use the database plugin, to send and receive SMS messages in Ozeki Message Server 6, you can use the following SQL statement to send a WAP PUSH Service Indication message:

insert into ozekimessageout (receiver,msgtype,msg,status) values ('+36205222245', SMS:WAPPUSH:application/vnd.wap.sic, <si><indication href="" action="signal-high">A WAP Push to the Origo site</indication></si>','send');


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