CallSetup command

The CallSetup command simply sets up a call between two telephone numbers. These telephone numbers have to be given as parameters to run the command properly.

Request parameters

Parameter name Example value Description Mandatory
Callee 101 PHone number of the callee. yes
Caller 102 Phone number of the caller, which will be displayed on the called side. yes
ErrorUrl This URL will be requested if any errors occur during the call. no
Username admin The username of the account. The username and password parameters are used to authenticate the user. yes
Password abc123 Specifies the password. The username and password parameters are used to authenticate the user. yes

Response parameters

Parameter name Example value Description Mandatory
Code 200 Returns the status code of the response. yes
Message Command successfully executed Returns the description of the response code. yes
NotificationName CallConnected Name of the notification request type. no

OzML example

The following example will set up a call between 101 and 102 by using the CallSetup command.

    <CallSetup Caller='101' Callee='102'/>

Example request and response

URL request


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Response xmlns:xsi="" 
  <Message>Command successfully executed</Message>

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