SendMsg command

The SendMsg command can send a message to a specified connection. For example, you can send the message to an e-mail connection, that will forward this message to the specified address.


Parameter name Example value Description Mandatory
Text Hello world! The content of the sent message. yes
ToAddress Some connections require a 'ToAddress' parameter. For example, the Gmail client connection sends the contents of the message to the email address provided here. no
ToConnection gmail_client_1@localhost It determines the connection where the message will be sent. yes

OzML example

This simple example is about to send an e-mail message to So, first, the message will be routed to the connection, that you provided in the ToConnection attribute. Then this connection will send the message to the given address.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <SendMsg ToConnection="gmail_client_1@localhost" ToAddress="">Hello world!</SendMsg>

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