Installing the SMPP driver

The SMPP protocol is used for IP SMS connectivity. The installation of the SMPP driver is similar to the installation of the GSM modem driver. In this chapter we give the instructions on how to configure this connection. Before you start the installation, make sure you have the necessary login information from your IP SMS provider to connect to their service.

You will need the IP address of their server, the Port, a username and a password plus a telephone number that was assigned to the connection.

The SMPP configuration preferences form (Figure 1.) can be accessed in a similar way to the GSM Modem preferences form. The difference, is that this form contains different configuration options.

To configure a SMPP connection you should provide the necessary login information to connect to the SMPP server . This information is provided by the SMS service provider, that offers IP SMS connectivity. The connection parameters are the host name (sometimes only an IP address is given), the port, a user name and a password. Often service providers use the phone number of the service or the port number as the user name.

The operator name can be any unique text, that will be used if more than one connection is installed in Ozeki Message Server. This is a name for the connection. Most often we give the name of the service provider, this driver connects to, to identify the connection.

The phone number refers to the telephone number assigned to the application. This phone number in many cases can be freely chosen when sending outgoing messages. You can even specify a OZEKI in this field.

smpp settings
Figure 1 - SMPP settings

You can also put a special word in the phone number field: _DYNAMIC_. This means, that when a message is being sent out, for example from the database plugin, the sender phone number is changed to the sender phone number stored in the message. Note: this feature currently only works from plugins, because you cannot access the sender field in the Ozeki GUI.

In the Advanced tab of the SMPP Connection 1 preferences form, we have to leave the editbox of the source IP and Source port blank, unless the operator inquires us to specify it. (Figure 2.)

smpp advanced
Figure 1 - SMPP advanced

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