How to burn the bootloader onto an Ozeki Matrix modul

Before loading your programcodes on the Ozeki Processing Modules you need to burn a bootloader on the ATmega328P chip of each module. Bootloaders are necessary for uploading your codes. They are usually installed by factory default but if you are a manufacturer or a hobbiest who has just built an Ozeki module, you will need to burn a bootloader on it.

Video 1 - How to burn a bootloader
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Step 1: Install Arduino IDE and USBasp device

First you need to download the Arduino IDE (Figure 1) and install it on your computer. Then you need to download the drivers for the ISP programmer which you can buy online.

downloading arduino ide
Figure 1 - Downloading Arduino IDE, you can donate to Arduino if you would like to

Download ( driver directly from Ozeki or you can find the latest version of the driver on the official website (.tar.gz). Before installing the driver you need to restart your computer with disabled driver signiture enforcement. When the computer is up and running plug in the ISP programmer, open the device manager and add the USBasp driver to your programmer.

Step 2: Connect ISP programmer to your Ozeki Processing Module

Now you need to plug the ISP programmer to your Ozeki Processing Module with 6 wires as shown in this video:
Video 2 - How to connect an ISP programmer to any Ozeki Processing Module
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Step 3: Configure IDE and burn bootloader

Now that the hardware is set up the most important step remains, burning the bootloader onto the ATmega328P microcontroller. To do this please start the Arduino IDE and configure it. At the top 'Tools/Programmer' menu please select 'USBasp' and click 'Tools/Burn Bootloader'. If everything went fine in the log window you should see a message that it is done (Figure 2).

the bootloader is working
Figure 2 - The bootloader is finally on the Ozeki Matrix Module

Step 4: Plugin your Ozeki Processing Module and test it

Now it is time to test your Ozeki Module, plug it into your PC and if you see it in the device manager as 'CH340' then everything is ok. In the 'Tools/Programmer' menu please select 'AVRISP mkII' and in the 'Tools/Port' menu choose the same COM port which you have seen in the device manager. In the tutorial video below we provided a test code for the Ozeki Relay Module, but every Ozeki Processing Module has a LED connected to D13. You can blink the LED with the following code:

// the source of the code: Arduino IDE top menu 'File/Examples/01.Basics/Blink'
// the setup function only runs at bootup:
void setup() {

// the loop function runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
  delay(1000);                       // wait for a second

Video 3 - Test any Ozeki Processing Module by uploading the code you can see above
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